
As the new school year approaches, preparing for a smooth transition can make a world of difference for students with epilepsy and their families. This checklist is designed to help you cover all the essential aspects of managing epilepsy in the school setting, ensuring that your child’s needs are met and their safety is prioritized. By following these steps, you can help create a supportive and well-prepared environment that will foster both academic and personal success throughout the school year.

  1. Medication Management
  • Medication Supply: Ensure you have a full month’s supply of all prescribed medications.

Medication Schedule: Update or review the medication schedule with any changes.

  • Medication Storage: Check that the storage method is secure and compliant with school regulations.
  1. School Communication
  • Emergency Plan: Confirm that the school has an updated emergency action plan in place.
  • Medical Forms: Complete and submit any required medical forms or documents to the school.
  • Contact Information: Provide the school with emergency contact information for caregivers.
  1. Classroom Preparation
  • Seizure Action Plan: Share a detailed seizure action plan with teachers and school nurses.
  • Classroom Awareness: Book an Epilepsy 101 with the Epilepsy Calgary team!  Educate the teacher and staff about epilepsy and what to do during a seizure. Email [email protected] for more details.
  • Safe Environment: Ensure any special accommodations or safety measures are in place in the classroom.
  1. Health & Safety Supplies
  • First Aid Kit: Pack a first aid kit with any specific supplies needed for epilepsy and seizure  management.
  • Identification: Ensure your child has medical identification (e.g., bracelet or necklace) that details their condition.
  1. Regular Check-ins
  • Medical Appointments: Schedule and confirm follow-up appointments with your child’s healthcare provider.
  • School Meetings: Plan regular check-ins with school staff to discuss any concerns or adjustments needed.
  1. Emergency Contacts
  • Family Contacts: Ensure that all emergency contacts are up-to-date and accessible.
  • Healthcare Provider: Keep contact information for your child’s healthcare provider handy.
  1. Extra Support
  • Support Services: Inquire about available support services or resources at the school for students with medical needs.
  • Counseling: Consider arranging for counseling services if your child needs additional emotional support.
  1. Special Considerations
  • Activities & Field Trips: Discuss any special considerations or accommodations needed for extracurricular activities and field trips.
  • Nutrition & Hydration: Review any dietary or hydration needs related to epilepsy and inform the school as needed.

Preparation is Key! Ensuring that these essentials are in place will help create a safe and supportive environment for your child as they head back to school.


@Ken Rabb maybe this would be a good spot to shout out booking an epilepsy 101 with the programs team or that they can get in touch if they need resources or support.  [JL1]


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